Yahoo! Taking a Page from SocialXYZ!

To quote my favorite Irish play-write, who happens to be my favorite play-write, Oscar Wilde, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”

Last week my colleague asked me to go to Yahoo! and search for… Well… Anything, he said. Then he asked me to hover on one of the links that appeared on the right sidebar. What I found was very surprising. It seems that Yahoo! took a page from SocialXYZ and the research I have been working on four a few years now. Although the visualizations are not identical, the concept certainly is. The question is, “When will I see my royalty checks?” Regardless of the payout, I found it pretty flattering and certainly helped reinforce the project’s intitial goals.

Yahoo!’ News InterfaceYahoo

SocialXYZ’s Discussion Board Interface


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