Back up and Runnning… Or maybe jogging.

Well, it has been a wild couple of months, since Hurricane Sandy made landfall  in October of last year. As a result, and the fact that my server is hosted just off the waterfront in downtown NYC, SocialXYZ was down for about two weeks. All services have been temporarily migrated to midtown east and from there, who knows…

What I do know, or at least am guessing, is that the downtime had a grave impact on my research results from the fall semester. Not to harp on this fact, the outage has motivated me to begin development on a new mobile application for emergency preparation and disaster response. I was hoping to have the prototype completed before the start of the Spring Semester to begin preliminary testing with my academic department, but the timeline is looking more like Fall 2013 instead. For now, the concept will remain under lock and key as I continue working on the prototype. One quick hint is that the domain name obtained was


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