New York Comic Con 2013

This past weekend, Oct. 10-13, was New York Comic Con. And I had the wonderful opportunity to attend since I was chaperoning the Gaming and Anime Club.

In one word. Wow!

Friday was probably the most overwhelming for me. I have never attended such a large scale convention. I am more used to systems conferences with much smaller fanbases.

When attending such an event there are several things to keep in mind…

1) Cell service is limited. I had to walk blocks (and this is NYC mind you) to receive any data. And I have Verizon.

2) Map your itinerary before you go. Since it was my first time inside the Javits Center, I had a hard time finding what it was I wanted to see.

3) Prepare to stand around waiting and/or walking a lot. With the exception of panels, show screenings and main events (which you still have to wait in long lines for), there is limited seating at these events.

4) Get on line early, if there is something you wish to see. I can’t tell you how many lines I was on where the event filled up. The one event I made a point not to miss was the X-Files panel, which I made. In fact, I was so early for the show, I had the opportunity to see some other interesting panels including Dr. Who, a screening for Chozen and the Pete Holmes show. All of which were great.

5) Last and most important… Take Pictures! There are so many interesting cosplay costumes that they are worth capturing. And those in cosplay love to pose. My favorite by far was Gandalf, but there were so many fun ones to capture on disk.

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