Last week I gave a talk up in Sacramento in the School of Business. I was able to tour the campus and meet with the Dean of Business, Bill Cordeiro (previous Dean of Business at CI). Beautiful campus and very fun city. Below is the abstract of the talk.

Abstract: Design Science Research (DSR) focuses on the development and performance of computing artifacts with the explicit intention of improving the functional performance of those artifacts. In this talk, Brian Thoms will introduce his research in social software design. Dr. Thoms will present on the evolution of SocialXYZ, from its origins as a web-based social learning platform to its current state as a cross-platform Android and iOS application. More specifically, Dr. Thoms will discuss how historical data mining, real-time natural language processing and dynamic data analytics affords innovative capabilities for enhancing online conversations. Using recent case studies to illustrate, Dr. Thoms will showcase the art and science of persuasive design, presenting on real-time quality and sentiment analyzing software agents and their input for hybrid recommender systems.