Accepted for HICSS 45

Last term I introduced twitter into my course online learning platform ( in upper-division information systems courses at SUNY Farmingdale. I collected data towards the end of the semester and turned a conference paper around in a matter of weeks (see Granted, I have been working within this area of research for some time and had most of my content analysis ready before I conducted my posttest. That said, I was excited about the positive feedback I received from reviewers and look forward to sharing my research with the larger IS community.

HICSS, which stands for the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, is the premier conference in my field and getting a paper accepted can be challenging. While some reviewers are primarily interested in new ideas and topic, other reviewers demand high quality research. And it’s hard to luck out and get only reviewers that are interested in researchers performing novel ideas. From my experience, and this is my fourth HICSS paper, meeting the criteria for HICSS can be more challenging than some journals.

This year the conference is located on Maui and takes place in January. Not bad, huh. One aspect missing from this blog, aside from an audience, is the lack of multimedia within my posts. Soon, hopefully, I will share some screenshots of my old and new software to give a better idea of the kind of experiments I am running.

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